Monday, October 29, 2007

Tagging: krl2pt0 assignment

I took me a while to understand how tags worked, but once I got it I realized that my list bundles could be much more organized than my favorites list. I put all of my vendor catalog websites in one bundle, and now I'm working on putting all of my OCLC websites into bundles-- one for MaRC manuals, another for Connexion documentation, etc. Other bloggers have mentioned that social-networking reference sites would be helpful to them, but probably nobody else is interested in cataloging websites.

I did add a couple of websites to the network-- iLibrarian, and Librarians internet index: websites you can trust. LII has lots of good websites divided into catagories like business, ready reference, recreation, etc. The acronyms and holidays websites are especially helpful.

Social networking seems better than our email groups-- we could pick and chose what we want to read, share things more easily, and keep them in better order.

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