Friday, December 7, 2007


Okay, YouTube could be seriously addictive! I started by watching the first suggestion from krl2pt0, "Evolution of dance", and enjoyed it very much. That led to an animated hippo singing "In the jungle" which led to the horrifyingly hilarious "der arme Kerl" which led to "Road kill bird" which led to ... Well, anyway, I had to force myself to quit watching!

There are a lot of very professional-looking videos on YouTube, but also some very amateurish-looking ones, and unfortunately most of the library videos I watched were amateurish. I did like"Perry the Penguin discovers the Dewey Decimal System".

"March of the librarians" was fun, and I watched it very carefully to see if I could spot anyone I knew.

I found the KRL video, and enjoyed seeing staff on it. I thought the music was a little over the top, though-- it's not a shark, guys!

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