Monday, November 5, 2007

Week 4 - RSS

I did the activities for Week 4 all by myself! This is the first week that I haven't had to ask Dweller Underground to come over to my computer to tell me what to do next. (I did get a lot of help from her blog, though.) I'm using Google Reader so more of my krl2pt0 stuff will be in the same place, and I didn't have any trouble with Microsoft trying to steal my stuff.

I've subscribed to two KRL blogs so far-- Dwelling on Technology from Underground, and Humor Memoranda. They're both amusing, with different slants on the whole process. :-) I'm sure I'll be subscribing to more, once I work my way through the list. I've also subscribed to krl2pt0.

I subscribed to the Cataloging News blog from Hennepin County Library. They used to have a radical cataloger, Sanford Berman, who did battle with Library of Congress over subject headings. He thought we should be using common language for subject headings, rather than LC's weirdly-formulated constructs. As an example, the LC subject heading for house plans is not "House plans" but "Architecture, Domestic--Designs and plans". Not exactly intuitive, is it!

Tomorrow I'll search for an interesting podcast so I can do the extras for the week.


krl2pt0 said...

check out Plenty of Perserverance -- a colleague who did some blogging from the Internet Librarian conference. they included a link to, a site put together by Hennepin County Library where patrons collaborate with staff to build an online reader's advisory. it seems like a great idea. i could see something like that at KRL -- what do you think?


Cataloger said...

What a great reader's advisory website!! I'll be checking it to find more mysteries to read.

I think this would be wonderful for us to do, but I can't imagine how much work it would take to set it up. I think I'll make sure the Collection Management librarians know about it ...